(see also: “beverages” e “seetmeals”) BioAppetì: piatti pronti, take away, burger vegetali, proteine vegetali, creme spalmabili vegetali- Kasher Parve-Rabbino di Bologna A. Sermoneta (http://www.bioappeti.it/qualita/) Carrefour Bio: Tofu al…
Olives and vegetables in brine are usually permittes, if not containing vinegard. Lactic acid is considered parve (Rav ). Romeo Ficacci srl: produzione di Olive in salamoia, lupini e capperi sotto sale – Rabbino Menahem Haddad (Brussels);…
Only if permitted. Fresh fish: all those species provided with fins and scales. As it is impossible to list them all, here are the most common species: trout, hake, cod, sole, seabass, sea bream, sardine, pilchard, sardone, anchovy, tunafish,…
All jams, maralades and preserves are permitted, unlesss they contain grape juice, E120, brandy… special care should be used when buying reduced sugar jam as soe contain grape juice as a sweetener. Agrimontana (Borgo San Dalmazzo-CN): all…